Group Processes and Stages of Formation.


Group Processes and Stages of Formation That Were Observed

The stages of group formation that can be observed include:forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. First, there was some orientation which can be related to the formationstage where group members learned what to do, what was expected of them and what was generally acceptable. In this stage, all members looked for ways of feeling comfortable and safer and the majority shared very little information. The process of power struggle which is the storming stage can also be identified. Members challenged one another and tried to push limits. However, the group leader tried to help members to maintain boundaries by providing everyone with an equal opportunity to talk and express individual thoughts and feelings as supported by Tuckman, (2013). Co-operation and Integration which can be related to the norming formation stage can also be noted. At some point, group members collectively cooperated and communicated openly with mutual respect Group Processes and Stages of Formation.


In other instances, the group leaders stepped aside and members were left to initiate conversations together. The groups also demonstrated synergy which can be associated with the performing stage of formation. In this, some sense of unity was evident withstrong friendships and dynamic synergy that facilitated unity, collaboration and openness among members. Lastly, the process of closure was evident and this can be related to the adjourning stage of formation(Tuckman, 2013).Group members appreciated the efforts of one another and bid each other goodbye as a way of finding closure. This was after group members felt that the goals of the group had been accomplished after members had also formed strong relationshipsamongst themselves.

Curative Factors Which Occurred In The Group and How They Might Impact the Progress of the Client.

            The most evident curative factors that can be observed in the groups include: universality, hope, information sharing, corrective recapitulation, imitation of behavior, cohesiveness, interpersonal learning, altruism, techniques for socializing and cartharsis. During the conversations, it was evident how members released suppressed emotions which promote healing through information disclosure to group members(Corder, Whiteside&Haizlip, 2015). Through cohesiveness, group members were able to obtain a sense of self-acceptance, safety, value and belonging. Since members had equal opportunities share their experiences, it was easy for them to adopt some strategies for coping from other members which enhances client progress(Rutan, Stone & Shay, 2014).

Occasionally, group members would give hope to one another and this will enhance a feeling of optimism to clients thus promoting healing. By sharing issues, group members came to the realization that they were not alone in their issues, impulses and other problems as a sign of universality. For those who had childhood and family events that were traumatic, through corrective recapitulation, they were able to resolve them. Essentially, this will enable a client to have a sense of importance and value amongst others (Corder, Whiteside&Haizlip, 2015). Lastly, it was evident how group members shared information which played a major role in empowering and educating individuals with knowledge that related to their specific situations. With this knowledge, clients will be able to make informed decisions that will result to improved health outcomes (Rutan, Stone & Shay, 2014).

Intragroup Conflict That Occurred and Strategies for Conflict Management

The intragroup conflict that occurred evidently related to moral dilemmas that some of the members had with regards to how they felt and related to past experiences. For instance, one group member who was a rape victim conflicted with the perpetrator resulting to disharmony. Other members were not certain of the specific name tothe underlying diagnoses that other group members had or how to refer to the conditions. This was in fear of the reaction of other group members. One of the conflict management strategies is by collaborating with other group members toextensively discuss the cause of disagreements and to find alternatives. Through collaboration, it would be easier for members to learn from each other’s perspectives(Folger, Poole& Stutman,2017).  Besides, through collaboration, the final decision would address the concerns of both conflicting parties Group Processes and Stages of Formation.